Initially, the Sisters worked in Spitak. Then, the Convent was formally established in the village of Arevig and the apostolate of the Sisters consisted in teaching catechism and doing pastoral work in the villages of Arevig, Panik and Lantchig.


The Sisters moved to Gyumri while continuing their service to the three villages. It was during their religion classes that the Sisters witnessed the deplorable state of many orphaned children. They had lost their parents either during the earthquake or the war of Nagorno- Gharabagh.


In an effort of providing a respite of few weeks to those orphans, the Sisters organized a summer camp program. First, the Sisters used rented facilities in Hankavan and Byuragan until the Fondation Alliance Arménienne of Geneva, Switzerland, donated a complex in Tsaghkadzor.
The success of the camp program is at the genesis of the Our Lady of Armenia Boghossian Educational Center. It was the wish of the Robert Boghossian & Sons families, that an educational Center be established to house the orphans all year long.


The inauguration of the Our Lady of Armenia Boghossian Educational Center. The whole complex is the gift of Fonds Robert Boghossian & Fils and the Sisters are deeply grateful to the generous benefactors who are continuing to partially fund the running expenses of the Center.


The Our Lady of Armenia Choir, under the direction of Maestro Robert Mlkeyan, was founded by the Armenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.


In June 2007, the Armenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception embarked on the construction of a Vocational School on the grounds of Our Lady of Armenia Boghossian Educational Center in Gyumri, Armenia. The construction works were completed in June, 2009.


The Armenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception have established a Day-Care Center for the Elderly with the purpose at providing an environment where the elderly can receive proper nutrition, medical care and personal hygiene as and spend their day with different activities.


The Annie Bezikian Youth Center was inaugurated in Yerevan, thanks to the generous donation of Annie and Alecco Bezikian.
The Center strives to create an atmosphere where each student can develop her full potential, succeed in her studies, and become an independent, self-reliant individual.